Zini, me & life in general

Birthday updates..

Thankfully today too I don’t have to think about what to write, I’ll write about how my birthday was Β πŸ™‚

-Zini refused to believe that it was mumma’s b’day!! She only wished me when her friend wished me!!

– The day started with lots of phone calls. My parents, my brother, my masi, my friends, hubby’s aunts, my friends from previous jobs all called up!! I really don’t know what good I’ve done to get such great people in my life while I always forget everybody’s birthday..Yeah my peanut sized memory and all..

-After contemplating a lot, I finally decided to make vedhami!! And it was awesome, I dare say almost like mom made vedhamis!! Though I made less than half of what mom used to make, it took almost an hour of strictly continuous stirring to get the stuffing ready!! How mom did it for more than two hours just to make me happy is beyond me!! And we are not even talking about violent nature of this batter when heated!! Tomorrow will be the recipe post πŸ˜‰

– All your wishes made my day!! My social media pages and groups were filled with birthday wishes!!! Every time I receive a wish I am truly touched!! Thanks again!!

– In the evening hubby came home with a cake, which he tried in vain to hide. My friends to came home to wish me and we had a yummy cake cutting.

– For dinner we went out to Yellow Chili, the starters were great, everything else was ok..

We had quite a celebration πŸ™‚

Comments on: "Birthday updates.." (14)

  1. Happy Birthday Pankti… πŸ™‚

  2. really? you call this a quiet celebration? πŸ˜‰

  3. Wow, you had a nice celebration! Yellow Chilli – is it Mexican?

  4. Aww…belated Happy Bday T2M

  5. Wow πŸ™‚ It was a memorable day, for sure πŸ™‚

  6. Belated birthday wishes Techiemom! I am so sorry for not wishing earlier but while I read the posts on reader stupid Internet restrictions wouldn’t let me open wordpress. Ugh!
    Glad you had a wonderful time! πŸ™‚

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